Ok... so, before I continue, I guess my blog needs a few disclaimers. I didn’t think it was necessary, but apparently it is. Im also including some other thoughts.
In case anyone missed the memo: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/blog
- I write my opinions, thoughts, observations and experiences. I don't purport myself to be unbiased. I long ago accepted the fact that Im a bitch. I don't pretend to be something which I am not.
- I don’t and will not apologize for who I am, my thoughts, views, beliefs, ect. If you have issue with this, find someone who cares, because I don’t. I stand strong by who I am and what I believe it. There are a select few people who have EARNED the right to call me on my shit.
- There is something to be said about water and bridges. It may be beneficial to put it into practice in one’s life.
- Dont think that I OWE you anything, when you haven't bothered to even afford me basic common courtesies over these weeks.
- I have removed names from my blog upon request, but I will not amend my thoughts or the general content. This blog was created for my friends and family- thusly I have been very generous with descriptions of events and my views on people. I could have included a lot more and been MUCH more descriptive, but I didn't see the need to share much of the shit show that has taken place here with my family. -And just because I haven't been more inclusive of my views/experience, doesn’t mean I wont feel inclined to do so in the future.
- On that note, I really don't get a rats ass who reads my blog. Read it or don’t, like it or not, Im not writing for you anyway. BUT don't complain when you’ve been sharing the link with people without my knowledge or consent and discover I’ve made commentary about your unbecoming actions. Its called KARMA.
- If you take issue with people commenting on your actions, you may want to reconsider the profession you are pursuing. This program is not a vacation, but a professional educational experience. Lawyers are under constant watch for missteps, character flaws, ect. so tailor your conduct accordingly.
- I learned a long time ago to take responsibility for myself and my actions and to build genuine relationships. Its become apparent that this is not a universal life lesson. Feel free to build your relationships on shaky grounds. Eventually, they will fracture and fall, because nothing stays secret forever. People will find things out. And no matter how many people you point your finger at, come the end of the day, you better have a mirror, because the only person you have to blame is the one staring back at you when the shit you’ve been putting out there hits the fan.
- Finally, I don't have much sympathy for your back wounds when you’ve put the knives in the hands of the people who have discovered who you really are. Sometimes you wont get stabbed in the back if you don't give people the means to do so.
Main Entry: blog
Pronunciation: \ˈblȯg, ˈbläg\
Function: noun
Etymology: short for Weblog
Date: 1999
: a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site
— blog·ger noun
— blog·ging noun
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