13 July 2010

Finishing my paper and making plans for ink

Yesterday I woke up bright and early to finish preparing my presentation and writing my memo for class. I was kind of a shit show and I didn't feel well, but I got it done.

After class I passed out for a few hours- still wasn't feeling all that great.

Then I began the epic-ness that is involved in my writing papers. I had my term paper for ethics due at 6pm today so at some point, I had to actually start writing the thing. I had a lot of research and notes from the past few weeks of my preparation for it, I just had to get down to business.

As anyone who knows me already can guess... most of my evening involved a significant amount of procrastination and ADD. I didn't finish the paper as I had hoped last night, but I made a dent in it.

I spent part of the evening hanging out with Colleen in the common room. I worked on my paper a bit while I watched tv. For the most part it was background noise, but I did watch an episode of Jessica Simpson’s show, The Price of Beauty. I’m going to start watching it when I get back to the states because it was really good. The concept for the show is fantastic.

In class this morning we had a guest speaker talking about domestic violence and other women's issues in Ireland. It was by far my favorite class yet. It was really interesting and I stayed after class to talk to her about various issues I am interested in.

After class I had some lunch and went back to the grind of working on my paper. Its what I spent most of my day on.

I finally finished and submitted it shortly after 5. I then decided, having been locked in my room the past two days working on this paper, I was going to head into town and talk to the tattoo guy because I never heard back from him.

I hit the six pm shuttle to town and hit the Inkfingers shop off of Shop Street. When I got there I talked to Joe. It turns out he forgot about me, which is why he never called, but we made plans to do up the design and Im going to get my new tattoo tomorrow. Im really excited. :D (And while your sitting there thinking to yourself “this girl needs to lay off the ink” let me just say that my collection of body art is a much better investment than my peers who spend their money on copious amounts of booze, drugs and cigarettes. Call me in 30 years with pictures of their lungs and livers and Ill wager that my tats are a much better sight to look at- so step off Im a piece of art!)

After I finished making plans with Joe, I walked back to Corrib Village in the drizzle. It was good to get a bit of fresh air.

My roommates are out pub-hopping to celebrate officially being done with their papers, so Im chilling in the flat with my music cranked, my pjs on and surfing the net.

I have a conference call for Amnesty at 1am my time, so I might have myself a nap before then.

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