03 July 2010

Not so epic adventure in Galway

Yesterday, after my “break,” I had ethics. We didn't meet for the full time either, but we were there for a majority of the time to have a wrap up discussion. We took a class photo and my prof brought carrot cake from one of the bakeries in town. (It was super good, especially because I was mad hungry)

After class I ate and then passed out. (Well, I fb chatted with molly for a bit, then passed out) It was good to get some sleep finally.

After my nap I had dinner and spent my evening getting organized for the next session. I started reading for next week so I can get ahead and maybe have free time to do stuff during the week. (Or work on that pesky ethics paper that I have yet to write)

This morning I got up relatively early and walked to town so I could hit the market. I ended up buying some gifts from a few of the artists that had booths, got some tasty organic bread and jam, and bought myself a belt and a necklace.

I then decided I was going to wander a bit.

I stopped in a few shops to look for other gifts. I ended up going to Dillon’s and bought myself a Claddah ring. (I had planned on getting one from there eventually before I leave) Dillon’s still makes the original design of the Claddah ring by hand. They been open forever.. (by forever, I mean since 1750) There’s a little museum in the back of the store (about the Claddah) so I checked it out before heading out.

As I was paying the jeweler shook his head and said something about more Warhols. I asked him what he meant and he pointed out the door at a bunch of guys dressed like Andy Warhol and a few people with old-school film cameras. He said the Art Festival Craziness is just beginning. (If this is any indication of the shenanigans that will be taking place once the festival actually starts on the 11th-It will be epic- I am SO excited)

After I left Dillon’s I began to just meander down random streets. I eventually ended up at the Spanish Arch.

While I was there, I met a guy who was taking down what I think was a art instillation. Turns out, he knows my roommates and was the one who was in-charge of this event they went to last night. (Talk about small friggen world) I wasn't exactly in the mood to be chatting it up with a random guy, because I was in the mindlessly wander the city frame of mind and I wasn't feeling super outgoing, but when he invited me to grab coffee I agreed- because 1) I didn't want to be rude, 2) Ive been here for three weeks and being the hermit I am, I haven't really talked to any sober locals. So, we got coffee at the museum cafe next to the Spanish Arch. We talked about school, travel, art, ect- my tattoos (Im a work of art apparently :P).

After we finished our coffee, we walked to a pottery studio of a guy he knows. Dude wasn't there, but James told me I should comeback later when he was having class and check it out. We then walked to where they had an instillation for the festival that just finished. However, when we got there it had been disassembled. (aka. probably destroyed by a bunch of inoxicated people after the ball last night) On our walk back to the arch, he joked about the poor luck- with the studio being closed and the art being gone. When we got back to the Arch, we went into the old museum that actually attached to the Arch (it now just is used for storage) and he showed me the view from the roof. It was pretty cool to be able to view the River/Bay/area from a view that most people wouldn't get to see.

After that, he gave me his contact info, so we could maybe get a drink sometime.... (not sure if Ill actually email him, 1) he was chill, but meh moving on 2) I dont want to start anything with my flatmate as she’s interested in him 3) Im not interested whatsoever and its not worth the drama that I know has significant potential for ensuing 4) Im an awkward Galway hermit, not feeling the drinking scene)

I then headed to Dunnes to get groceries for the week. Amazingly, this has been my cheapest trip yet. Woo hoo (making up for that mad cash I dropped buying non-groceries this morning)

When I was finished getting my groceries, I had some time to kill before the shuttle would arrive, so I decided to hit Fallers and look for a wedding gift for Angela and Joe. I ended up finding something suitable (I wont share, because, well, I haven't the slightest who actually reads this damn thing, so... yeah, in the interest of not giving it away- If you are *dying* to know what little piece of Ireland they will be getting, you can email me)

I then sat in the square and waited for the shuttle.

When I got back I put away my groceries and had lunch.

I surfed the internet for a bit and worked on some reading for class.

(I spent some time this afternoon seeing if I could swing a trip to Donegal Town [as opposed to Donegal, which is the entire county] next weekend. The guy I bought my necklace from said I should try to get up there if I could. Unfortunately, the bus schedule to get there is major suck-age and the hostels there don't look super promising in terms of location- and Im not €27 and 8 hours on a bus to see the town for 4 hours.)

Feeling uber bored with myself, I took a nap.

Got up, had dinner.... more internet and reading.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

I’ve pretty much spent my entire evening at my desk being completely unproductive.

I need a friggen life. End of story.

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